I'm as guilty as most for not putting the dam camera away and
just living the moment.

On Sunday 8th
we managed to grab one of those days, when you just don’t want to descend. A
digital witness, I hung around for hours just soaking up the day through the viewfinder.
Having just taken one picture, 10 mins later a slight shift in position had the
camera out again..
Getting home, sifting through the hundreds of images only half a dozen stand out. The mountain conditions we had that day raised the bar, nature was doing it all for me, all I had to do was click away. I was after and the day demanded something better than a chocolate box shot. I wanted a pic to sum up the crunch of the crampon, the sharpness of cold air, the ring of an axe on stone. Some days you feel you get close with a photo but seriously nahh…nowhere near.
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