Managed to get 2 consecutive Thursday evenings at Trevor.
The first Thursday we were bit late getting there, but still worth the travel. Started off with some easy stuff on Suspect Wall. Clue So 4, & Forensic Science 5 and Proven Guilty 5, then progressed onto the gnarly Suspect Criminal 6b*, the finish of which is now a tad harder after crimpy chunk of rock came off in Matts hand. Great night out and a long time coming, with all the lousy weather we've been avin.
Last Thursday 5th July we got our act together a bit earlier and managed to get there for a more sensible 7.45ish. A front of low cloud was burgeoning over the mountain just a mile or so further to the west, hiding a slowly sinking sun. Walking a bit further over to Fudd wall area, Deej & Tom started with Chocolate Fudd 6a+, with Me and Gaz on All Fudd Up 6a, then onto Fudd Off 6b*, a nice little fingery line, just to the left of the middle crack. Andy M and Matt had been messing around on Hot Dog just round the the right before Andy led the trad VS middle crack.

Tom and Deej soon got tired of the lack of sheer grunt and pain available on Fudd and moved over to Compact Wall. Margin of Error 6c* is ones on Deej faves, the first crux move of letting go of the under cut flake to get passed the slight bulge only leads onto the further manic fumblings on the top section. Lovely stuff. As music rose from the valley floor all too soon it was dark.......... 'time for beer' said Zebedee.
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