Managed to catch few days down in Dorset after Easter, all the bad weather held back just North of Nine Barrow Down, the massive Chalk ridge running from Old Harry in the East to Tyneham Cap in the West. It's a physical barrier that separates Purbeck proper from the wilds of Wareham and the rest of Eastern Dorset. I can't count the times when all of southern England has been suffering howling gales yet this little bit of heaven remains stubbornly tranquil.
Still managed to fit in a day in North Wales, the only dry bit being around Yr Aran.
It was the midland final of the BMC Youth Climbing Series at Wolf Mountain on April 21st, Two of the girls who train at our sessions at the Crystal climbing wall achieved a brilliant a 2nd & 3rd place. so will now be going to the Grand Final will be held on Saturday 23 June 2012 at EICA Ratho. Ok it's a good venue but a hell of an expense for most to get there. What with accommodation and fuel, a friend spent in excess of £400 last time it was held their.
Went to the BMC Midland area meeting at Wolf on the Tuesday to see Gary Gibsons slide show, quite a history and some great annecdotes. Think i've got some loud Lycra in the bottom of box somwhere, must give it an airing.
Another wet weekend at the end of April meant sitting the storms out with a big fire in the back room. Finnished of last Sunday going to see New Order at the Ballroom in Brm, great gig, place may have had a lick of paint but the floors still sticks like super glue ......Up down turn around please don't let me hit the ground.....Is it a song about safe belaying?
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